My Latest Novel

My Latest Novel – Saint Jude’s Infirmary

I’m friends with the guys in Saint Jude’s Infirmary and I turned up to this one as I’ve got a terrible record of attending their gigs. It’s the perils of commuting mostly, well that and my frequent bouts of avoiding social contacts as much as possible.
Saint Jude’s are incredibly tight these days and have built up a really good set of songs. They did well in spite of some sound issues. I also managed to take a few pictures of them playing (110 or so!) and some have turned out well. I’ll link to them once they’ve gone up on the band’s site.
My Latest Novel were much better in more intimate surroundings, but their songs still lack much in the way of punch. This is not a bad thing, but as a result, I still think that they’ll work best on record where the fluid dynamics of the songs can work their way into your head.