
The Cinderella Pact

Sarah Strohmeyer

the cinderella pactA solid romance novel where a frumpy magazine sub-editor creates an alias who becomes a overnight sensation as an advice columnist.
I bought this as a cheap paperback because I enjoyed the TV movie based on it. It turns out this was mostly because I really like Poppy Montgomery as a redhead.
It was a quick and easy read and certainly recommended if you’re looking for an enjoyable piece of fluff.

Rating: B


Faking It

Jennifer Crusie

faking itA charming romance novel about con men and art forgers.
I got a very Gilmore Girls vibe from this book with all the pop culture references and the family of wonderful and off kilter women. This isn’t surprising when you remember that the author once edited a collection of essays about that beloved TV show.
I liked the slightly neurotic lead character Tilda a lot and I think I would like to read more about her.
I’d recommend this if you’re in the mood for an entertaining slice of romantic hokum.

Rating: B


The Wedding Date

Liz Young

the wedding dateThis book was originally called Asking For Trouble but then it got turned into a film called The Wedding Date.
Aside from the fact that both the film and the book feature an older sister hiring an escort to go to her younger sister’s wedding the two are entirely different.
It’s a quick read, with some enjoyable characters but ultimately it’s kind of throwaway.
That isn’t a bad thing – I enjoyed the time spent reading it – it just means I doubt I’d ever read it again.
Recommended for fans of romantic comedies and contemporary romance novels.

Rating: B


Something About You

Julie James

Something about youThis is an incredibly fluffy, totally predictable romance novel about the romance between an assistant DA and an FBI agent that blossoms after she becomes the only material witness to a murder.
It was recommended to me by someone on Tumblr. I’ll be ignoring their recommendations from now on.

Rating: C


The Language of Spells

Sarah Painter

the language of spellsThis was another Kindle daily deal that I was tempted by.
The plot is about a young woman who inherits her great-aunt’s house and the repercussions as the past is dredged up by her return to where she grew up.
This is a nice little romance novel that happens to have a lead character with real magical powers.
Weirdly it reminded me a bit of Diana Wynne Jones – though not in her league – with the small town English setting and the prosaic everyday magic.
I enjoyed it quite a lot and will definitely check out any new books by the author to see if she can get even better.

Rating: B


This Lullaby

Sarah Dessen

this lullabyRemy is a cynical young woman about to graduate from high school and escape her home town to Stanford for college. Convinced love is a sham following her Mother’s many marriages she jumps from boyfriend to boyfriend without ever getting emotionally invested. Then she meets Dexter – the singer of an indie band newly arrived in town and things stop being so cut and dried.
This is an expertly constructed and very enjoyable slice of teen romance. Recommended by a fellow fan of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries I raced through this in a couple of days.
It nicely hits that funny, smart romantic tone that I’m sucker for in films and TV without ever getting too melodramatic.

Rating: B+